Sunday, March 05, 2006

I thought I asked you to water the plants!

Anyway, I'm back. I gave my first ever academic conference paper yesterday, and it seems to have gone well. With that out of the way expect more here.


Alison said...

Congrats to you!
I'm guessing it was about some dumb old piece of broken crockery...
And they're all new plants actually as the old ones didn't survive the big throwdown we had here while you were gone. I got some great shots of the Rev posing with his imaginary frickin laser beam though.

Bazz said...

Yeah, I thought people'd been eating my pop-tarts... :)

Anyway, not broken crockery this time, but ancient coins (and the monetary policies behind them). Oddly, everybody seemed able to stay awake!

Rev.Paperboy said...

yeah, sorry about the burn marks dude. and the dead plants - I thought spilling beer on them counted as watering.

Bazz said...

I thought spilling beer on them counted as watering.

You mean it doesn't?