Friday, March 05, 2004

I am so great, I am so great, Everybody loves me 'cause I am so great...

It's been a crazy week here, but the craziest bit was receiving, on Wednesday afternoon, confirmation that I have been recommended to start a PhD program in Roman archaeology. Since being Dr. Bazz, Roman Archaeologist, has been sort of a dream of mine, I am, as they say, over the moon right now. And, to celebrated, here's a picture of a coin of Magnia Urbica, one of the late 3rd century Roman emperors:

Why her, you ask? Well, one of my most exciting finds as an archaeologist was a coin of hers, so I thought it would be appropriate to feature her here.

Coming later on today: "How to Inform Work That You're Leaving to Become a Roman Archaeologist." Stay tuned.

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